Tag: Updates

  • You May Have Loads of Student Debt, but it may be Hard to Deduct the Interest

    More than 43 million student borrowers are in debt with an average of $39,351 each, according to the research group EducationData.org. If you have student loan debt, you may wonder if you can deduct the interest you pay. The answer is yes, subject to certain limits. However, the deduction is phased out if your adjusted…

  • 5 Possible Tax Aspects of a Parent Moving Into a Nursing Home

    If you have a parent entering a nursing home, you may not be thinking about taxes. But there are a number of possible tax implications. Here are five. 1. Long-term medical care The costs of qualified long-term care, including nursing home care, are deductible as medical expenses to the extent they, along with other medical…

  • Scholarships are Usually Tax Free but They May Result in Taxable Income

    If your child is fortunate enough to be awarded a scholarship, you may wonder about the tax implications. Fortunately, scholarships (and fellowships) are generally tax free for students at elementary, middle and high schools, as well as those attending college, graduate school or accredited vocational schools. It doesn’t matter if the scholarship makes a direct…

  • Get Serious About Your Strategic Planning Meetings

    Most business owners would likely agree that strategic planning is important. Yet many companies rarely engage in active measures to gather and discuss strategy. Sometimes strategic planning is tacked on to a meeting about something else; other times it occurs only at the annual company retreat when employees may feel out of their element and…

  • DEI Programs are Good for Business

    Many businesses are spending more time and resources on supporting the well-being of their employees. This includes recognizing and addressing issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). A thoughtfully designed DEI program can do more than just head off potential conflicts and disruptions among coworkers; it can help you attract good job candidates, retain…

  • Is Your Business Underusing its Accounting Software?

    Someone might have once told you that human beings use only 10% of our brains. The implication is that we have vast, untapped stores of cerebral power waiting to be discovered. In truth, this is a myth widely debunked by neurologists. What you may be underusing, as a business owner, is your accounting software. Much…

  • Accounting Methods: Private Companies Have Options

    Businesses need financial information that’s accurate, relevant and timely. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires publicly traded companies to follow U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), often considered the “gold standard” in financial reporting in the United States. But privately held companies can use simplified alternative accounting methods. What’s right for your business depends on…

  • Accounting Estimates Present Challenges in Times of Uncertainty

    In today’s unprecedented market conditions, it can be challenging to predict metrics that underlie your company’s accounting estimates. Examples of key “unknowns” include how much longer certain pandemic issues will continue, how federal stimulus spending will affect the economy over the long run, and the extent to which tax laws and environment regulations may change…

  • HR outsourcing: Considerations for nonprofits

    The global market for human resources outsourcing was approximately $32.8 billion in 2020 and is projected to rise to $45.8 billion by 2027, according to market research company Reportlinker. Should your not-for-profit join the many organizations that have already determined that outsourcing HR makes financial and operational sense? Here’s what you should consider before acting. Take a…

  • Nonprofit fundraising: From ad hoc to ongoing

    When not-for-profits first start up, fundraising can be an ad hoc process, with intense campaigns followed by fallow periods. As organizations grow and acquire staff and support, they generally decide that fundraising needs to be ongoing. But it can be hard to maintain focus and momentum without a strategic fundraising plan. Here’s how to create…