Tag: Updates

  • Preparations vs. compilations

    Your business needs financial statements so management can monitor performance, attract investment capital and borrow money from a bank or other lender. But not all financial statements are created equal. Audited statements are considered the “gold standard” in financial reporting. While public companies are required to issue audited statements, smaller, privately held organizations have options.…

  • The ABCs of activity-based costing

    Revenue and expenses, as reported on your company’s income statement, have limited usefulness to people inside the organization. Managers often need information presented in a different format in order to make operational and strategic decisions. That’s where activity-based costing comes into play. This costing system is commonly used in the manufacturing and construction sectors to…

  • Cheers! 55 Cookies to Celebrate 55 Years In Business

    This year marks the 55th year that SFW Partners has been in business. That’s a big milestone so we want to celebrate it every opportunity we get. So we asked our client – McArthur’s Bakery – to create some tasty treats we could pass out to our staff. Happy 55th anniversary to us! #cheersto55years, #cookies,…

  • Have you named contingent beneficiaries?

    Although your will or revocable trust governs the distribution of many or most of your assets, certain assets — such as retirement plans, insurance policies, and bank or brokerage accounts — require you to name a beneficiary (or beneficiaries). This can be an advantage, because when you die, the funds can pass directly to your…

  • Making funeral arrangements in advance can ease family turmoil after your death

    It’s difficult for many people to think about their mortality, so it’s not surprising to learn that many put off planning their own funerals. Unfortunately, this lack of planning may result in emotional turmoil for surviving family members when someone dies unexpectedly. Also, a death in the family may cause unintended financial consequences. Why not…

  • With proper planning, a charitable remainder trust can replicate a “stretch” IRA

    The “stretch” IRA generally no longer exists. But if you have a substantial balance in a traditional IRA, a properly designed charitable remainder trust (CRT) can allow you to replicate many of its benefits. SECURE Act’s effects on stretch IRAs For years, a stretch IRA was an effective tool that allowed your children or other…

  • Avoiding undue influence claims

    A primary purpose of estate planning is to ensure that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes after you die. But if a family member challenges the plan, that purpose may be defeated. If the challenge is successful, a judge will decide who’ll inherit your property. Will contests and similar challenges often occur when…

  • Review your strategic plan … and look ahead

    Business owners, year end is officially here. It may even be over by the time you read this. (If so, Happy New Year!) In any case, the end of one year and the beginning of another is always an optimal time to look back on the preceding 12 calendar months and ask a deceptively simple…

  • Business owners, do you need to step up your internal communications game?

    They say we live in an on-demand world. Right now, many business owners are demanding one thing: more workers. Unfortunately, the labor market is somewhat less than forthcoming. In the so-called “Great Resignation” of 2021, droves of people voluntarily left their jobs, and many aren’t rushing back to work. Neither are many of those who…

  • 3 specialized IT leadership positions for growing businesses

    For many businesses, technology has changed from something they use to something they do. When a company reaches a point where IT plays a central role in operations and productivity, ownership might want to create one or more leadership positions to specifically oversee tech-related matters and strategy. Often, this means a Chief Information Officer will…