Tag: News

  • A spendthrift trust can act as a wealth preserver

    Tax planning is only a small component of estate planning — and usually not even the most important one for most people. The primary goal of estate planning is to protect your family, and saving taxes is just one of many strategies you can use to provide for your family’s financial security. Another equally important…

  • What are the duties of an executor?

    A key decision you must make when drafting your estate plan is who to appoint as the executor. In a nutshell, an executor (called a “personal representative” in some states) is the person who will carry out your wishes after your death. Let’s take a look at the specific duties and how to choose the…

  • Which leadership skills are essential to strategic planning?

    To help ensure continued stability and profitability, businesses need to engage in some form of strategic planning. A recent survey by insurance giant Travelers drives home this point. In its 2024 CFO Study: A Travelers Special Report, the insurer surveyed 610 chief financial officers (CFOs) from companies with 500 or more employees in various industries. One…

  • Businesses must stay on guard against invoice fraud

    Fraud is a pernicious problem for companies of all shapes and sizes. One broad type of crime that seems to be thriving as of late is invoice fraud. In the second quarter of 2024, accounts payable software provider Medius released the results of a survey of 1,533 senior finance executives in the United States and…

  • IT strategy showdown: Enterprise architecture vs. Agile

    Few, if any, companies can operate successfully today without the right information technology (IT) strategy. And as businesses grow, their IT needs and infrastructures become even more complex and costly. This push and pull of managing growth while grappling with tech has brought two broad approaches to IT strategy to the forefront: enterprise architecture and Agile.…

  • Strong internal controls and audits can help safeguard against data breaches

    The average cost of a data breach has reached $4.88 million, up 10% from last year, according to a recent report. As businesses increasingly rely on technology, cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and aggressive, and risks are increasing. What can your organization do to protect its profits and assets from cyberthreats? Recent report In August…

  • CFOs need more than accounting skills

    Is your company planning to hire a new CFO? A recent survey found that hiring managers look for more than financial acumen when vetting CFO candidates. In fact, only 38.5% of CFOs at Fortune 500 and S&P 500 companies were licensed CPAs in 2023, according to executive recruiting firm Crist Kolder. What other skills may…

  • Strong controls over financial reporting are essential

    Public companies are required to evaluate and report on internal controls over financial reporting using a recognized control framework under rules set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, private companies also need checks and balances to help ensure their financial statements are correct and reduce the risk of fraud. Additionally, transparent reporting…

  • Board independence is about more than avoiding conflicts of interest

    Are your not-for-profit’s board members independent? Your immediate response is probably, “of course!” But contrary to what many nonprofit leaders and staffers might think, director independence goes beyond avoiding conflicts of interest. In fact, the IRS has a four-part definition of independence. If a majority of your organization’s board members don’t meet all four criteria,…

  • Advantages of keeping your business separate from its real estate

    Does your business require real estate for its operations? Or do you hold property titled under your business’s name? It might be worth reconsidering this strategy. With long-term tax, liability and estate planning advantages, separating real estate ownership from the business may be a wise choice. How taxes affect a sale Businesses that are formed…