Pondering the Possibility of a Company Retreat
As vaccination levels rise and major U.S. population centers fully reopen, business owners may find themselves pondering an intriguing thought: Should we have a company retreat this year? Although there are still health risks to consider, your employees may love the idea of attending an in-person event after so many months of video calls, emails…
Using Your Financial Statements to Evaluate Capital Budgeting Decisions
Strategic investments — such as expanding a plant, purchasing a major piece of equipment or introducing a new product line — can add long-term value. But management shouldn’t base these decisions on gut instinct. A comprehensive, formal analysis can help minimize the guesswork and maximize your return on investment. Forecasting cash flows Financial forecasts typically…
Help Ensure the IRS Doesn’t Reclassify Independent Contractors as Employees
Many businesses use independent contractors to help keep their costs down. If you’re among them, make sure that these workers are properly classified for federal tax purposes. If the IRS reclassifies them as employees, it can be a costly error. It can be complex to determine whether a worker is an independent contractor or an…
How to Strengthen Your Internal Controls
Internal controls are a system of policies and procedures organizations put in place to protect assets and improve operating efficiency. Effective internal controls are critical to accurate financial reporting. A solid system of controls can help prevent, detect and correct financial misstatements due to errors and fraud. Internal and external risk factors evolve over time.…
An S Corporation Could Cut Your Self-Employment Tax
If your business is organized as a sole proprietorship or as a wholly owned limited liability company (LLC), you’re subject to both income tax and self-employment tax. There may be a way to cut your tax bill by conducting business as an S corporation. Fundamentals of self-employment tax The self-employment tax is imposed on 92.35%…
Hit or Miss: Is Your Working Capital On-Target?
Working capital equals the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Organizations need a certain amount of working capital to run their operations smoothly. The optimal (or “target”) amount of working capital depends on the nature of operations and the industry. Inefficient working capital management can hinder growth and performance. Benchmarks The term “liquidity” refers…
The IRS Has Announced 2022 Amounts for Health Savings Accounts
The IRS recently released guidance providing the 2022 inflation-adjusted amounts for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Fundamentals of HSAs An HSA is a trust created or organized exclusively for the purpose of paying the “qualified medical expenses” of an “account beneficiary.” An HSA can only be established for the benefit of an “eligible individual” who is…
Making the Decision to Hire New Nonprofit Staffers
Many Americans remain unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic — at least 9.8 million at the end of April, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. But that’s expected to change quickly as employers ramp up hiring activities. If your not-for-profit will soon need new staffers, you might want to start putting out feelers now.…
Working in the gig economy results in tax obligations
Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the number of people engaged in the “gig” or sharing economy had been growing, according to several reports. And reductions in working hours during the pandemic have caused even more people to turn to gig work to make up lost income. There are tax consequences for the people who perform…
Still Have Questions After You File Your Tax Return?
Even after your 2020 tax return has been successfully filed with the IRS, you may still have some questions about the return. Here are brief answers to three questions that we’re frequently asked at this time of year. Are you wondering when you will receive your refund? The IRS has an online tool that can…