Take your financial statements to the next level
Spring is the time of year that calendar-year-end businesses issue financial statements and prepare tax returns. This year, take your financial data beyond compliance. Here’s how financial statements can be used to be proactive, not reactive, to changes in the marketplace. Perform a benchmarking study Financial statements can be used to evaluate the company’s current…
Smooth sailing: Tips to speed processing and avoid hassles this tax season
The IRS began accepting 2021 individual tax returns on January 24. If you haven’t prepared yet for tax season, here are three quick tips to help speed processing and avoid hassles. Tip 1. Contact us soon for an appointment to prepare your tax return. Tip 2. Gather all documents needed to prepare an accurate return.…
Looking for a 2022 safety net for your business? Act on EIDL funding before year end
As the new year approaches, the future of the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) — and the strength of the economic recovery — remains uncertain. One thing that’s not uncertain when it comes to your business is the impending deadline to apply for COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) funding, some of which needn’t be…
2022 tax calendar
To help you make sure you don’t miss any important 2022 deadlines, we’ve provided this summary of when various tax-related forms, payments and other actions are due. Please review the calendar and let us know if you have any questions about the deadlines or would like assistance in meeting them. © 2022
Educate your children on wealth management
If you’ve worked a lifetime to build a large estate, you undoubtedly would like to leave a lasting legacy to your children and future generations. Educating your children about saving, investing and other money management skills can help keep your legacy alive. Teaching techniques There’s no one right way to teach your children about money.…
Does your trust need protection?
Designing an estate plan can be a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, you want to preserve as much wealth as possible for your family by protecting it from estate taxes and creditors’ claims. On the other hand, you want to have some control over your assets during your life. Unfortunately, these two goals…
Using B2B media to lengthen your marketing reach
Companies that sell products or services primarily to other businesses face a tough challenge when it comes to marketing. Your customers are likely well-versed and experienced in what they do, so you must not only persuade them to buy from you, but also communicate that you’re an expert in your industry or field. If you…
Let your financial statements guide you to optimal business decisions
Now that 2022 is up and running, business owners can expect to face a few challenges and tough choices as the year rolls along. No matter how busy things get, don’t forget about an easily accessible and highly informative resource that’s probably just a few clicks away: your financial statements. Assuming you follow U.S. Generally…
Preparations vs. compilations
Your business needs financial statements so management can monitor performance, attract investment capital and borrow money from a bank or other lender. But not all financial statements are created equal. Audited statements are considered the “gold standard” in financial reporting. While public companies are required to issue audited statements, smaller, privately held organizations have options.…
The ABCs of activity-based costing
Revenue and expenses, as reported on your company’s income statement, have limited usefulness to people inside the organization. Managers often need information presented in a different format in order to make operational and strategic decisions. That’s where activity-based costing comes into play. This costing system is commonly used in the manufacturing and construction sectors to…