Tag: News

  • Thinking about converting your home into a rental property?

    In some cases, homeowners decide to move to new residences, but keep their present homes and rent them out. If you’re thinking of doing this, you’re probably aware of the financial risks and rewards. However, you also should know that renting out your home carries potential tax benefits and pitfalls. You’re generally treated as a…

  • Offering summer job opportunities? Double-check child labor laws

    Spring has sprung — and summer isn’t far off. If your business typically hires minors for summer jobs, now’s a good time to brush up on child labor laws. In News Release No. 22-546-DEN, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) recently announced that it’s stepping up efforts to identify child labor…

  • A beneficiary designation or joint title can override your will

    Inattention to beneficiary designations and jointly titled assets can quickly unravel your estate plan. Suppose, for example, that your will provides for all of your property to be divided equally among your three children. But what if your IRA, which names the oldest child as beneficiary, accounts for half of the estate? In that case,…

  • Businesses looking for outside investors need a sturdy pitch deck

    Is your business ready to seek funding from outside investors? Perhaps you’re a start-up that needs money to launch as robustly as possible. Or maybe your company has been operating for a while and you want to pivot in a new direction or just take it to the next level. Whatever the case may be,…

  • Power up your trust with Crummey powers

    The unified gift and estate tax exemption is set at an inflation-adjusted $12.06 million for 2022, up from $11.7 million for 2021. This means that for many families, estate tax liability isn’t a factor. However, for others, the annual gift tax exclusion continues to be an important estate planning strategy — especially since future tax…

  • Timing counts: Reporting subsequent events

    Major events or transactions — such as a natural disaster, a cyberattack, a regulatory change or the loss of a large business contract — may happen after the reporting period ends but before financial statements are finalized. The decision of whether to report these so-called “subsequent events” is one of the gray areas in financial…

  • What estate planning strategies are available for non-U.S. citizens?

    Are you, or is your spouse, a non-U.S. citizen? If so, several traditional estate planning techniques won’t be available to you. However, if you’re a U.S. resident, but not a citizen, the IRS will treat you similarly to a U.S. citizen. If you’re considered a resident, you’re subject to federal gift and estate taxes on…

  • Careful planning required for beneficiaries to borrow from a trust

    Intrafamily loans allow you to provide financial assistance to loved ones — often at favorable terms — while potentially reducing gift and estate taxes. But what about families that lack the liquid assets to make such loans? Are there other options if they have a trust? One lesser-known possibility is for trust beneficiaries to borrow…

  • Deciding between cash and accrual accounting methods

    Small businesses may start off using the cash-basis method of accounting. But many eventually convert to accrual-basis reporting to conform with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Which method is right for you? Cash method Under the cash method, companies recognize revenue as customers pay invoices and expenses when they pay bills. As a result,…

  • Opening up to SLAT opportunities

    Estate tax planning can become complicated when multiple parties are involved. For example, you may be concerned about providing assets to a surviving spouse of a second marriage, while also providing for your children from your first marriage. Of course, you also want to take advantage of favorable estate tax provisions in the law. Fortunately,…