Tag: News

  • Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective

    If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably considered many different employee benefits. One option that might have crossed your desk is an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Strictly defined, an ESOP is considered a retirement plan for employees. But it can also play a role in succession planning by facilitating the transfer of…

  • Checking in on your accounts payable processes

    Accounts payable is a critical area of concern for every business. However, as a back-office function, it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Once in place, accounts payable processes tend to get taken for granted. Following are some tips and best practices for improving your company’s approach. Be strategic Too often, businesses take a…

  • 6 steps to easing employees’ fears about innovation

    Business owners often find the greatest obstacle to innovation isn’t the change itself, but employees’ resistance to it. Their hesitation or outright defiance is frequently driven by fear. Some workers might worry about how the innovation will alter their jobs — or whether it will even eliminate their positions. Others could reject the concept and…

  • Contingent liabilities: To report or not to report?

    Disclosure of contingent liabilities — such as those associated with pending litigation or government investigations — is a gray area in financial reporting. It’s important to keep investors and lenders informed of risks that may affect a company’s future performance. But companies also want to avoid alarming stakeholders with losses that are unlikely to occur…

  • Businesses may receive notices about information returns that don’t match IRS records

    The IRS has begun mailing notices to businesses, financial institutions and other payers that filed certain returns with information that doesn’t match the agency’s records. These CP2100 and CP2100A notices are sent by the IRS twice a year to payers who filed information returns that are missing a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), have an incorrect…

  • Consider stress testing to lower risks

    The pandemic and the ensuing economic turmoil have put tremendous stress on businesses. Many companies that appeared healthy on the surface, on their financial statements, quickly realized that they weren’t prepared for the unexpected. A so-called “stress test” of your company’s financial position and its ability to withstand a crisis can help prevent this situation…

  • Are your risk-management practices keeping up with the times?

    Risks abound in today’s uncertain marketplace. Nearly two-thirds of senior finance leaders said that the volume and complexity of corporate risks have changed “mostly” or “extensively” in the past five years, according to a new report published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and North Carolina State University. Surprisingly, this report, 2022…

  • Election season is here! Watch your nonprofit’s activities

    Many states have already held primary elections, and the airwaves are clogged with candidate ads. Yes, the November “mid-terms” election season has begun! So now is a good time to review political activity restrictions that affect Section 501(c)(3) organizations. What activities are forbidden? In general, tax-exempt organizations aren’t allowed to act directly or indirectly in…

  • Evaluating “going concern” concerns

    Under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), financial statements are normally prepared based on the assumption that the company will continue normal business operations into the future. When liquidation is imminent, the liquidation basis of accounting may be used instead. It’s up to the company’s management to decide whether there’s a so-called “going concern” issue and…

  • How external confirmations are used during an audit

    Auditors commonly use confirmations to verify such items as cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, employee benefit plans and pending litigation. Under U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, an external confirmation is “a direct response to the auditor from a third party either in paper form or by electronic other means, such as through the auditor’s direct…