Tag: News

  • 4 ways to prepare for next year’s audit

    Every fall, CPAs are busy preparing for audit season, which generally runs from January to April each year. This includes meeting with clients, assigning staff and scheduling fieldwork. Likewise, organizations with calendar year ends should prepare for audit fieldwork. A little prep work this fall can help facilitate the process, minimize adjustments and surprises, and…

  • IRS issues guidance on new retirement catch-up contribution rules

    In December 2022, President Biden signed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act. Among other things, the sweeping new law made some significant changes to so-called catch-up contributions, with implications for both employers and employees. With the new catch-up provisions scheduled to kick in after 2023, many retirement plan sponsors have been struggling…

  • IRS suspends processing of ERTC claims

    In the face of a flood of illegitimate claims for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), the IRS has imposed an immediate moratorium through at least the end of 2023 on processing new claims for the credit. The reason the IRS cites for the move is the risk of honest small business owners being scammed…

  • IRS offers a withdrawal option to businesses that claimed ERTCs

    Recent IRS warnings and announcements regarding the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) have raised some businesses’ concerns about the validity of their claims for this valuable, but complex, pandemic-related credit — and the potential consequences of an invalid claim. In response, the IRS has rolled out a new process that certain employers can use to…

  • Payable-on-death accounts require careful coordination with your estate plan

    Payable-on-death (POD) accounts can provide a quick, simple and inexpensive way to transfer assets outside of probate. They can be used for bank accounts, certificates of deposit and even brokerage accounts. Setting one up is as easy as providing the bank with a signed POD beneficiary designation form. When you die, your beneficiaries just need…

  • Owning assets jointly with a child may not be the right estate planning strategy

    There’s a common misconception that owning assets jointly with a child or other heir is an effective estate planning shortcut. While this strategy has a certain appeal, it can invite a variety of unwelcome consequences that may quickly outweigh any potential benefits. Owning an asset — such as real estate, a bank or brokerage account,…

  • The Social Security wage base for employees and self-employed people is increasing in 2024

    The Social Security Administration recently announced that the wage base for computing Social Security tax will increase to $168,600 for 2024 (up from $160,200 for 2023). Wages and self-employment income above this threshold aren’t subject to Social Security tax. Basic details The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) imposes two taxes on employers, employees and self-employed…

  • A refresher on the trust fund recovery penalty for business owners and executives

    One might assume the term “trust fund recovery penalty” has something to do with estate planning. It’s important for business owners and executives to know better. In point of fact, the trust fund recovery penalty relates to payroll taxes. The IRS uses it to hold accountable “responsible persons” who willfully withhold income and payroll taxes from…

  • New per diem business travel rates kicked in on October 1

    Are employees at your business traveling and frustrated about documenting expenses? Or perhaps you’re annoyed at the time and energy that goes into reviewing business travel expenses. There may be a way to simplify the reimbursement of these expenses. In Notice 2023-68, the IRS announced the fiscal 2024 special “per diem” rates that became effective…

  • Valuations can help business owners plan for the future

    If someone was to suggest that you should have your business appraised, you might wonder whether the person was subtly suggesting that you retire and sell the company. Seriously though, a valuation can serve many purposes other than preparing your business for sale so you can head to the beach. Think of it as a checkup…