Tag: Articles

  • Business automobiles: How the tax depreciation rules work

    Do you use an automobile in your trade or business? If so, you may question how depreciation tax deductions are determined. The rules are complicated, and special limitations that apply to vehicles classified as passenger autos (which include many pickups and SUVs) can result in it taking longer than expected to fully depreciate a vehicle.…

  • Update on depreciating business assets

    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act liberalized the rules for depreciating business assets. However, the amounts change every year due to inflation adjustments. And due to high inflation, the adjustments for 2023 were big. Here are the numbers that small business owners need to know. Section 179 deductions For qualifying assets placed in service in…

  • Life insurance can be a powerful estate planning tool for nontaxable estates

    For years, life insurance has played a critical role in estate planning, providing a source of liquidity to pay estate taxes and other expenses. It’s been particularly valuable for business owners, whose families might not have the liquid assets they need to pay estate taxes without selling the business. Because the federal gift and estate…

  • Make fundraising a year-round commitment

    If your not-for-profit focuses all of its fundraising energy on the holiday season and end of the year, it’s not misguided. After all, 26% of charitable giving to nonprofits occurs in December, according to the 2023 M+R Benchmarks Study. But that means almost three quarters of annual donations need to be obtained during the rest of…

  • Did your spouse’s estate make a portability election? If not, there may still be time

    Portability helps minimize federal gift and estate tax by allowing a surviving spouse to use a deceased spouse’s unused gift and estate tax exemption amount. Currently, the exemption is $12.92 million, but it’s scheduled to return to an inflation-adjusted $5 million on January 1, 2026. Unfortunately, portability isn’t automatically available; it requires the deceased spouse’s executor…

  • Cost containment: An important health care benefits objective for businesses

    As the Fed continues to do battle with inflation, and with fears of a recession not quite going away, companies have been keeping a close eye on the costs of their health insurance and pharmacy coverage. If you’re facing higher costs for health care benefits this year, it probably doesn’t come as a big surprise.…

  • Look carefully at three critical factors of succession planning

    The day-to-day demands of running a business can make it difficult to think about the future. And by “future,” we’re not necessarily talking about how your tax liability will look at year-end or how you might grow the bottom line over the next five years. We’re referring to the future in which you no longer…

  • Rich Waigand Celebrates 2nd Year as a Titan 100

    Congrats to Partner Rich Waigand for making the 2023 Titan 100 Roster. This is the second year that Rich has been honored to be a part of this group of leaders who are “Titans” in their own right in the St. Louis community. Check out the Titan 100 digital book below. Rich’s bio is on…

  • Reviewing and adjusting your marketing strategy

    As summer slips away and fall shuffles forth, business owners and their leadership teams might want to take a look at the overall marketing strategy they’ve pursued this year. How’s yours doing? It may not be entirely too late to make some adjustments to ensure your sales numbers wind up where you want them. What success…

  • Every nonprofit needs a disaster plan

    Almost no region of the United States has escaped some form of natural disaster or extreme weather this summer. Although wildfires, floods and unusually high temperatures have grabbed the headlines lately — for good reason — your not-for-profit also needs to be prepared for such unnatural disasters as terrorist threats and mass shootings. It’s a lot…