M&A on the way? Consider a QOE report
Whether you’re considering selling your business or acquiring another one, due diligence is a must. In many mergers and acquisitions (M&A), prospective buyers obtain a quality of earnings (QOE) report to evaluate the accuracy and sustainability of the seller’s reported earnings. Sometimes sellers get their own QOE reports to spot potential problems that might derail…
Manageable growth should be a strategic planning focus
When a company’s leadership engages in strategic planning, growing the business is typically at the top of the agenda. This is as it should be — ambition is part and parcel of being a successful business owner. What’s more, in many industries, failing to grow could leave the company at the mercy of competitors. However,…
Sometimes businesses need to show customers tough love
“We love our customers!” Many businesses proclaim this at the bottom of their invoices, in their marketing materials and even on the very walls of their physical locations. Obviously, every company needs a solid customer or client base to survive. But, to truly thrive, you need to evaluate which customers are reliably contributing to the…
How to handle evidence in a fraud investigation at your business
Every business owner should establish strong policies, procedures and internal controls to prevent fraud. But don’t stop there. Also be prepared to act if indications arise that, despite your best efforts, wrongdoing has taken place at your company. How you handle the evidence obtained could determine whether you’ll be able to prove the charges brought…
Formalizing your business’s BYOD policy
When the pandemic hit about two and a half years ago, thousands of employees suddenly found themselves working from home. In many cases, this meant turning to personal devices to access their work email, handle documents and perform other tasks. Even before COVID, more and more businesses were allowing employees to use their own phones,…
Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective
If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably considered many different employee benefits. One option that might have crossed your desk is an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Strictly defined, an ESOP is considered a retirement plan for employees. But it can also play a role in succession planning by facilitating the transfer of…
Checking in on your accounts payable processes
Accounts payable is a critical area of concern for every business. However, as a back-office function, it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Once in place, accounts payable processes tend to get taken for granted. Following are some tips and best practices for improving your company’s approach. Be strategic Too often, businesses take a…
6 steps to easing employees’ fears about innovation
Business owners often find the greatest obstacle to innovation isn’t the change itself, but employees’ resistance to it. Their hesitation or outright defiance is frequently driven by fear. Some workers might worry about how the innovation will alter their jobs — or whether it will even eliminate their positions. Others could reject the concept and…
Weathering the storm of rising inflation
Like a slowly gathering storm, inflation has gone from dark clouds on the horizon to a noticeable downpour on both the U.S. and global economies. Is it time for business owners to panic? Not at all. As of this writing, a full-blown recession is possible but not an absolute certainty. And the impact of inflation…
How to keep remote sales on point
The pandemic has dramatically affected the way people interact and do business. Your company likely undertook various changes to adapt to the initial lockdowns and the ongoing public health guidance over the past two years. An interesting byproduct of the crisis is that it created a somewhat involuntary experiment in remote work. Many businesses that…