Category: articles

  • How Much Insurance Does Your Nonprofit Need to Mitigate Risk?

    A warning if your not-for-profit organization is looking for expenses to cut: Don’t skimp on insurance. Should your nonprofit experience a fire, major theft or other calamity, you’ll be glad you have the coverage. Of course, you may also be required by your state, certain funders, lenders and your own bylaws to carry adequate insurance.…

  • Divorcing Couples Should Understand These 4 Tax Issues

    When a couple is going through a divorce, taxes are probably not foremost in their minds. But without proper planning and advice, some people find divorce to be an even more taxing experience. Several tax concerns need to be addressed to ensure that taxes are kept to a minimum and that important tax-related decisions are…

  • Disability Income: How is It Taxed?

    Many Americans receive disability income. You may wonder if — and how — it’s taxed. As is often the case with tax questions, the answer is … it depends. The key factor is who paid for the benefit. If the income is paid directly to you by your employer, it’s taxable to you as ordinary…

  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest With Auditors

    A conflict of interest could impair your auditor’s objectivity and integrity and potentially compromise you company’s financial statements. That’s why it’s important to identify and manage potential conflicts of interest. What is a conflict of interest? According to the America Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), “A conflict of interest may occur if a member…

  • 3 Steps to “Stress Test” Your Business

    During the COVID-19 crisis, you can’t afford to lose sight of other ongoing risk factors, such as cyberthreats, fraud, emerging competition and natural disasters. A so-called “stress test” can help reveal blind spots that threaten to disrupt your business. A comprehensive stress test requires the following three steps. 1. Identify the risks your business faces…

  • Weighing the Risks vs. Rewards of a Mezzanine Loan

    To say that most small to midsize businesses have at least considered taking out a loan this year would probably be an understatement. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has lowered many companies’ revenue but may have also opened opportunities for others to expand or pivot into more profitable areas. If your company needs…

  • IRS May Have Your Answers to Payroll Deferral Questions

    IRS gives some answers to payroll deferral questions 

  • Fighting Financial Fraud Takes a Village!

    Fighting financial fraud takes a village 

  • The President’s Action to Defer Payroll Taxes: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

    On August 8, President Trump signed four executive actions, including a Presidential Memorandum to defer the employee’s portion of Social Security taxes for some people. These actions were taken in an effort to offer more relief due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The action only defers the taxes, which means they’ll have to be paid in the future.…

  • Financial Dashboards Can Steer Your Nonprofit Toward Financial Success

    Not-for-profits increasingly are adopting a corporate world tool: financial dashboards. A dashboard is a summary of an organization’s progress toward a specific goal over time — or a snapshot of its current situation. Dashboards are designed to help boards and other constituents visualize important metrics, or key performance indicators (KPIs). But to facilitate informed, timely…